(*) Final Exam information and reminders.
(i) Please bring a calculator and Student ID to the exam on Wednesday.
(ii) Please leave the last few rows (the upper rows) empty - i.e., fill in the room from the bottom.
(iii) Office hours for finals' week:
Yonatan - Monday 12 - 1 pm and Wednesday 9:30 - 10:30.
Wenjie - Monday 10 -11 am in BE 312 C/D
Hyotae - Monday 4 - 6 pm in BE 119
3/16 - Slides from Monday's lecture (3/13) have been posted on the supplements page.
3/14 - An error in the solution of problem 2(c) of the review problems has been corrected. (Thank you Christine!)
Instructor: Dr. Yonatan Katznelson
Office: Baskin 361B
Office hours: MWF 9:30-11:00 am, or by appointment.
Phone: (831) 459 1046 (better to send email than to leave messages).
Email: yorik@ucsc.edu
Teaching Assistant: Hyotae Kim
Office hours: Monday, 4:00 - 6:00 pm, Baskin Engineering, 119.
Email: hkim153@ucsc.edu
Teaching Assistant: Arthur Lui
Office hours: Thursday, 9:00 - 11:00 am, Baskin Engineering 312 C/D.
Email: alui2@ucsc.edu
Teaching Assistant: Michael Warner
Office hours: Wednesday and Friday, 9:00 - 10:00 am, Baskin Engineering 312 C/D
Email: mawarner@ucsc.edu
Teaching Assistant: Wenjie Zhao
Office hours: Monday, 2:30 - 3:30 pm and Tuesday, 4:00 - 5:00 pm, both in Baskin Engineering, 312 C/D.
Email: wzhao24@ucsc.edu
MSI Schedule: